
Welcome to the hive, I’m Julie! I am a mom of two beautiful babies, a son and daughter, two little furry boys Pixel and Proxy, and a wonderful doggo named Piper! I hope you enjoy reading about the good, the bad, and the crazy; I know I love every second of it! If you are of the audio loving type, my new Podcast This Hive Howls is available on all platforms. It is a motherhood and mental-health podcast focused on bringing attention to the struggles that moms (and parents) face, but are too silenced to talk about!

Latest from the Blog

Identity After Motherhood: The “Mom” Label (part two)

I’m a soccer mom. I’m a coffee mom. I’m a working mom. I’m a stay at home mom. I’m a dance mom. I’m a hockey mom. I = mom. I hear it all the time. “I’m a *insert label* mom!” And once I realized I was hearing it, it became apparent just how much it…

The Importance of Mom Friends

I think it’s safe to say that people are social creatures. Aside from splitting us into introverts and extroverts, I know we all like to have people in our lives that connect with us and share our experiences. So when it comes to having mom friends, why is it hard for us to make those…

A Letter to Good Moms Everywhere

You are a good mom. You are mom enough. You are strong. You are kind. You are much more capable than you give yourself credit for. When all of the voices in your head are telling you, “you can’t,” shut them down and find the voice that tells you, “you can!” And on those days…

Check out my Instagram for more family content! And don’t forget to download, rate and review the podcast!

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